Louane and her companion Florian Rossi separated: romantic gift to “the other side of the world”

Even if their couple is rather discreet, Louane and Florian Rossi love each other madly… and show it! This Thursday, the singer indeed shared with her subscribers on Instagram a nice gift from her darling, a huge bouquet of flowers sent “for no reason” by the musician, currently on tour in San Francisco. A nice attention that seems to have touched her, given the many hearts published under the message (see the slideshow).

If we are to believe the stories of the musician, he nevertheless seems to have fun on tour, with the other members of his group… but has still found time to think about the one who shares her life since the summer of 2018 and who has to take care of their daughter Esmée, now two years old, on her own for a few days. A true romantic!

However, all is not always rosy in the couple, the two artists being endowed with a strong character. “I’m not the easiest to live with, that’s obvious. Then I’m very nice. But, because of my lack of control over my emotions, which I work on, it’s true that my boyfriend has the strength to be with me!“, she told with humor on Europe 1.

Moreover, the lovers almost broke up several times, one of which was told in a song from his new album: “When I wrote it, it was really an apology song for my man”, had delivered Louane in the same interview. “We had a fight and I really lived this day that I tell in the song, where I woke up and where he had gone. He wasn’t happy and he pissed me off all day.”.

Fortunately, their couple and their love seem solid and the parents of little Esme, who grew up completely in the shadow of the cameras, very protected by her mother, are still as close, four years after their meeting. Moreover, the two offered each other a very symbolic common gift: “It’s a ring that we each had identically made with my boyfriend during our vacation in Thailand. Even though we’re not married, it symbolizes our bond. I never take it off“, had revealed the singer a few weeks ago.

A nice gesture, for a story that continues to grow!

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