Lou Pernaut “too smiling” since the death of his father, Nathalie Marquay makes an update!

Jean-Pierre Pernaut died on March 2, 2022, at the age of 71. The former star presenter of 13H of TF1 suffered from lung cancer. Also treated for a clogged artery, he underwent open-heart surgery then placed in a deep coma before finally leaving. This lover of the regions leaves behind hundreds of thousands of viewers, and especially inconsolable relatives. Starting with his widow Nathalie Marquay and their two children, Lou (19) and Tom (18). The eldest, who held back her tears during the funeral on March 9 at the Sainte-Clotilde basilica in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, resumed the posts on social media… and faced a wave of criticism. His mother then speaks.

Lou Pernaut is modest in his mourning. In front of the coffin of her late father, she showed herself worthy, accompanied by her lover Arthur. Then, on TikTok, she shared her videos again, as before. The young brunette tries as best she can to climb the slope, but some believe that she is “too smiling“. Nathalie Marquay, affected by these attacks, responds to our colleagues from Cine TV Review. “She has a very different way of reacting to the death of her father than my son, who is more reserved“, she launches first. And to continue: “But believe me, when she is in her room, she cries a lot. Each person reacts differently. Afterwards, I can understand that people, from the outside, wonder how she can appear laughing on Instagram. It’s his way of dealing with it. But I can tell you thatshe is very sad. As soon as she closes her smartphone, she is not well. I pick it up with a spoon.

A few sentences that echo what the young Lou Pernaut herself revealed last April on TikTok. “I will speak calmly and very precisely. This kind of comment, I do not condone. It’s not because I don’t show that I’m bad that I’m not bad. And it’s not because I show that I smile that I am not sad“, she had swung.

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