Lou Pernaut as a couple: big kiss to his darling Arthur for his birthday

This Friday, April 29, 2022 is a special day for Arthur Jochem, the companion of Lou Pernaut (19 years old). The guitarist and producer is celebrating his 22nd birthday. For the occasion, the daughter of the late Jean-Pierre Pernaut and Nathalie Marquay wanted to make a statement to him… a little special in an Instagram story.

It is indeed not a honeyed declaration that Lou Pernaut wished to make to his dear and tender, whom she met when she was 13 years old. Tom’s sister (18 years old) preferred to do in cow love to wish him a happy birthday. “Happy Birthday Arthur. I like you. Thank you for being a little funny once in a while, thank you for being nice once in a while, romantic when you feel like it and sometimes even a little bit caring. Since 2016 you have been supporting me and I support you too. We have a lot of courage tell me“, can we read. In the background, Internet users can see a photo of the couple kissing and the number “22”, to indicate the age of the young man.

Arthur, a great support

In recent years, Lou Pernaut can count on the unwavering support of Arthur Jochem in good and bad times. He was indeed a great support when his dad died on March 2, at the age of 71. During the funeral which took place on March 9 at the Basilica of Sainte-Clotilde in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, he was at his side in order to overcome this ordeal as best as possible. On TikTok, the young woman had therefore wished to thank him on video. While we could see her lip-synching on For you to love me againby Celine Dion, the following text was written: “My Arthur. Thank you for being in my life, I’m so lucky to have a man like you.

Until then discreet with regard to his private life, Lou Pernaut had agreed to confide in his romance with Oh My Mag in July 2020.”Personally, I’m super jealous. (…) All the girls my darling talks to even if they’re her friends I’m jealous so yes I’m super jealous and possessive“, she explained. Unfortunately, a little less than a year later, it was their break-up that she announced during a question and answer session. Fortunately, they ended up reconciling a few months later and since then, they have never left each other.

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