Lou Pernaut and the death of his father: anger against “the cigarette”, new heartbreaking video…

Jean-Pierre Pernaut is dead, the terrible news fell on March 2, 2022. The former star of the 13H television news on TF1 leaves behind bereaved relatives, such as his now widowed wife Nathalie Marquay but also his four children Julia and Olivier (born from his relationship with his ex-wife Dominique Bonnet) as well as Lou and Tom (fruits of his love with the former Miss France). Everyone expresses their pain and grief in their own way. Lou Pernaut, a 19-year-old architecture school student, is connected to social networks. This is where she indulges in some confidences…

This Tuesday, March 29, 2022, the young brunette took to her TikTok account to share a new heartbreaking video (see slideshow). Lou Pernaut appears in full playback to the sound of Lost on you, a title signed LP and at the origin of hundreds of videos on display on the social network. “Let’s raise a glass. Or two. To all the things I’ve lost on you“, can we hear. Some words heavy with meaning which give in French: Let’s raise a glass. Or two. To all the things I lost because of you.“That thing she’s aiming for is”the cigaretteas she herself indicates in the caption of the video.

Remember that Jean-Pierre Pernaut was fighting at the time of his death against lung cancer, three years after getting rid of prostate cancer. His right lung was first affected and then healed, it was finally the left side that was affected. Due to a state of health deemed too fragile, it was impossible to operate again. So the lover of the regions was treated via radiotherapy sessions. But another health glitch has set in: a clogged artery. Jean-Pierre Pernaut underwent open-heart surgery before being plunged into a deep coma and dying.

Jean-Pierre Pernaut and cigarettes is a long story. More than fifty years long. “For years and years I was told to quit smoking. I didn’t believe it. I should have stopped…“, said the journalist who died at 71 shortly before his death. For her part, her daughter Lou had made a big decision last September, while JPP was fighting against the disease in the greatest secrecy. Indeed, she had announced to quit smoking, “after four years of addiction“. A decision that unfortunately took on its full meaning when the announcement of his father’s cancer…

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