White Paris mushrooms, brown mushrooms and oyster mushrooms, labeled organic farming. The group Lou Vegetables inaugurated its new production site in Landivy, in Mayenne, Friday, November 19.
On a land of 33,000 square meters, 12,000 are devoted to the mushroom farm. The material necessary for growth, compost, comes “from a supplier in Belgium“, explains the management. Then,”two weeks ago fruiting“, says Alexis Merel, responsible for new projects within the company:”This is the period when we will bring up the mushroom white in the culture bed.“The site has 26 rooms.
– Pierre Pillet
– Pierre Pillet
“We are going to stress the fungus, we scare it: _oxygen is cut off at a certain point_, the outside air, and the fungus is afraid of dying, so it will grow“, details Alexis Merel. Then, in the following two weeks, it is the picking:”A beautiful room is when there are five sizes of mushrooms“, analysis Emmanuelle Roze-Chapuzet, co-founder of the group.
– Pierre Pillet
In this 45-meter-long room, the culture beds are spread over six floors. In this room alone, 15 tons will be collected in two weeks, if all goes well. Employees access the mushrooms using elevators. “They can adjust the height, on these trolleys we have even developed a system that allows them to be turned over, for left and right-handed people, we have gone into great detail to improve the working conditions and comfort of pickers.“, boasts Alexis Merel.
– Pierre Pillet
Once collected, the mushrooms take the direction of a room where the temperature fluctuates between 2 and 4 degrees. “We will cool them, otherwise the fungus will continue to grow“, explains Emmanuelle Roze-Chapuzet.
The production then leaves for Poilley, in Ille-et-Vilaine, 20 kilometers from Landivy, in order to be conditioned. Once packaged, it will go on stalls all over France.
– Pierre Pillet
For the moment, 65 employees work at Landivy. Management is hiring : it wants to double its workforce by March 2022. It recruits team leaders, gatherers, team members. The current employees live “within a radius of twenty kilometers“around the site, concludes the co-founder.