Lou Doillon very pregnant: His huge son Marlowe celebrates his 20th birthday, new crisp photos

A young man who is now living his own career: as his mother did a few times before him, Marlowe started modeling several months ago. Parades, shootings, he connects the contracts and asserts himself day by day as a future name of the profession, he who had recently posed with his cousin, Alice Attal, she also decided to make a name for herself.

But if he is focused on his career, that does not prevent him from staying close to his mother: in some photos, we see him gently laying his hand on Lou Doillon’s rounded belly or even literally kissing this baby-bump who rounds off and who should give him a little brother or a little sister soon.

If the actress gave no indication of the baby’s sex or first name, we do know that the birth should not be delayed any longer: the photos of her very round belly are multiplying in stories and the singer seems to be on the point of give birth to her second child, whose father is the designer Stéphane Manel. In any case, despite their 20-year gap, Marlowe will surely be “the best big brother in the world“, as she wrote to him!

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