Lou Doillon mom: new photos of her post-pregnancy body and moment with baby

Almost 40 years old, a birthday she will celebrate on September 4, 2022, Lou Doillon is the proud mother of two children: Marlowe (20, whose father is Thomas-John Mitchell) and Laszlo (1 month, whose dad is Stéphane Manel). While she recently gave birth, her body obviously still bears the marks of pregnancy and she doesn’t mind in the least. On the contrary, she does not hesitate to share photos of her body on Instagram.

Lou Doillon has posted new photos of her, from her vacation spot, when she put her suitcases down for a few days in Les Baux-de-Provence, on the Côte d’Azur. Taking a selfie in her bathroom, dressed in a tight jumpsuit, the star fully assumes and reveals her pregnancy-related pounds. In legend, Jane Birkin’s daughter writes: “I post my postpartum and I stay conscious.” A message accompanied by small emojis that say a lot about her current state of mind between the glass of milk that connects her to breastfeeding her baby – she also posted a photo with her breast pump -, the turtle which means that she takes the time and is not in a hurry to display a flat stomach again as well as a chocolate wafer which shows us that she does not deprive herself of anything after childbirth and that her few extra pounds will wait quietly before she wants to worry about it (or not).

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