Lou-Ann, 19, engaged but disappointed with the political offer



France Televisions

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Lou-Ann studied in Montpellier, in political science. This young 19-year-old woman regrets not seeing her feminist, environmentalist demands and against student precariousness be embodied by an application.

Lou-Ann Peiffer is a 19-year-old political science student. She lives in Montpellier (Hérault). For this presidential election, she will vote for the first time. “Our generation has quite different ideas than previous generations“, she explains, hoping to see people of her age mobilize. Committed to feminism, “against gender-based and sexual violence“, but also for ecology, it places student precariousness as the priority subject of this campaign.

Lots of candidates try to give themselves an image of young people but do not really interact with young people, except in their party“, she continues. Lou-Ann also regrets feeling “infantilized” by political speeches, and notes that the multiplication of reforms in education and higher education have had the effect of disorienting students in their path after the baccalaureate. “When I look at the political offer, I really don’t feel represented in my demands“, she concludes.

“My voice counts” is a series of reports that give voice to citizens. The franceinfo channel 27 reporting teams crisscrossed the territories to meet the French people in order to question them about their concerns and expectations vis-à-vis politics and in particular presidential candidates.

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