Lots of likes for Splendor & Influence

Marc Brunet should immediately apologize to the Chloes of Quebec, since as of Thursday, the poor will be called “Shloé” because of Splendor & Influencehis new comedy.

As with the expression “beautiful energy”, which we can no longer use without thinking of Like me, the author completely diverts the trajectory of the first name, by concocting a character who insists on pronouncing the “h”. Result: since we witnessed the viewing of the first two episodes on Tuesday – which will land on ICI Tou.tv Extra on Thursday – Chloé has become “Shloé”. And we bet we’re not the only ones.

With Splendor & Influence, Marc Brunet addresses a current subject: the unhealthy quest for fame, this need to be known and recognized. He dabbles in it by telling the story of Brigitte Bussières (wonderful Anne Dorval), unscrupulous producer and host of reality shows like Goodbye rolls, hello love And The island of pigs. She is trying to revive her career by taking the helm of a show in which four influencers will “finally have the chance to talk about themselves”. To attract a younger audience, she will be supported by Zac (Philippe-Audrey Larrue-St-Jacques), web star with 200,001 subscribers on Instagram and, above all, a big fan of pearl necklaces over her tank tops.

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