“Losing a show you loved is very destabilizing”!

She lived it very badly and still lives it badly today. Indeed, since Sunday January 22, Claire Chazal had to say “farewell” to a program which was very dear to her: her cultural program “Passage of the Arts”. France 2 has chosen to replace this box with a new issue, “Nice gesture” broadcast just after the evening film, around 11:10 p.m. and presented by Pierre Lescure. The journalist also officiates in “C to You” on France 5. The latter also gave an interview to the Parisianin January 2023, to discuss this new project and especially to speak to Claire Chazal.

The former presenter of the JT of TF1 would not have received the news well and had a hard time digesting the deprogramming of the show that she took great pleasure in presenting. She did not hesitate to let it be known. Following these “regrets”, Pierre Lescure wanted to react.“I understand that she is bitter but her campaign is still a bit excessive”he dropped with our colleagues before continuing: “At the start, I didn’t even know if my show would be on France 2, France 3 or France 5… I found it a little inflated that it was becoming a great national cause in her eyes when she didn’t say hello nor thank you to Laurent Goumarre, whom she herself had replaced at the time”.

See also: Claire Chazal refuses the post of Minister of Culture!

Claire Chazal has still not digested

Since then, time has passed and water has flowed under the bridges. However, this does not make it easier to digest the news, quite the contrary. Indeed, Claire Chazal once again expressed her sadness at having lost her hut in an interview with Telestar this Friday, March 17. If she finds herself at the helm of a new edition of the “Great Chessboard” on France 3Claire Chazal admits it: she wants to find the show she loves.

Indeed, she may recognize “that you have to know how to rebuild your life”and this “focus on what[elle] like to do”. Nevertheless, although there is “much more unfortunate than[elle]losing a show you loved is very destabilizing”she admitted.


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