Lose a suitcase and receive… 13!

A Florida resident who had complained to an airline for the breakage of her suitcase was surprised to receive 13 new ones.

On February 3, Peyton Thompson filed a complaint for the breakage of her luggage while traveling in Syracuse, New York. She then contacted Delta Airlines, who told her that it could take a month to process her complaint.

A representative of the company contacted him to tell him that she would have a new suitcase, before sending him a link to order the desired model.

Two weeks later, Peyton Thompson received nine confirmation emails. She thought it was a mistake and she deleted the emails. However, she was surprised to receive nine boxes in 13 suitcases a few days ago. His video posted on TikTok quickly went viral.

“I was on Facetime with my mom and dad laughing. It was so funny to me. There was always more luggage and there was some in the bigger suitcases,” she explained to “Fox News”.

Some of those suitcases were worth more than $400, according to his research.

The main interested party explained that she contacted the airline, which then joined the baggage company. Peyton Thompson said she received postage slips and simply returned the luggage.

“The Delta rep was great,” said Peyton Thompson. She told me it was a mistake and she was sorry.

“I just hope someone didn’t get fired from their job for making that mistake,” she added.

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