LOSC striker Mohamed Bayo sanctioned after his night out the day before Lille-PSG

His evening in a bar in Old Lille cost him dearly. Filmed and photographed drunk overnight from Saturday to Sunday by supporters, the day before the terrible Lille-PSG match (1-7), striker Mohamed Bayo who did not play, knows his sanction. Received by the leaders on Monday and in particular by President Olivier Létang who said to himself on Sunday evening “furious and annoyed“, the Guinean is sent to the reserve team”until further notice“. He should not take part in Lille’s trip to Ajaccio on Friday.

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Financial penalties

Bought this summer in Clermont for 14 million euros, Mohamed Bayo was also financially sanctioned. According to information from France Bleu Nord, the amount of the penalty is €75,000. Mohamed Bayo had already experienced discipline problems last season in Clermont.

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