She was very attached to her region, Lorraine, where most of her novels took place. Among which: “La Promesse du Sel” in 2018, “Les Cigognes sais” in 2007 and even “Le Jardin de Pétronille” in 2016.
Reading time: 1 min

The author Élise Fischer, a figure in Lorraine, died at the age of 75 on Monday December 25, according to France Bleu Sud Lorraine. The novelist had written around forty books, notably The Innacomplinefor which she received the Golden Leaf literary prize from the city of Nancy in 2001.
Élise Fischer was born in Champigneulles in 1948 to a father who worked in Pompey and an Alsatian mother. She lived in Fontenoy-la-Joûte where she wrote her books. A novelist, she had also been a journalist and literary critic.
“A friend of Nancy and Lorraine”
She was very attached to her region, Lorraine, where most of her novels took place. Among which : The Promise of Salt in 2018, The Storks knew in 2007 or even The Petronilla Garden in 2016. Élise Fischer received the Academic Palms from the mayor of Nancy, Mathieu Klein, in September.
Françoise Rossinot, general delegate of the Goncourt academy and former general commissioner of Livre sur la Place, contacted by France Bleu Sud Lorraine, says “upset”. She pays homage to “a friend of Nancy and Lorraine”, “someone who for almost 40 years has accompanied the Book on the Square, so many moments of complicity around the book. I am extremely sad and I am sure that many of his readers are like me”.