Lorette Charpy and Aline Friess medalists at the European Championships

Medals and podiums for the Stéphanoises present at the European Gymnastics Championships! Aline Friess and Lorette Charpy come home from music with bronze around their necks.

Aline Friess, resident of the Pôle France, finished third in the jumping competition this Sunday. A final marked by falls and injuries. Passed in first, Aline Friess had to wait a long time before savoring, the third and the fourth place were played in a pocket handkerchief.

A few minutes later, it was Lorette Charpy who won bronze in the uneven bars.

Good harvest for French gymnastics, after a Saturday marked by failure in the team final (6th place for the tricolor gymnasts). “Yesterday was a complicated day, admits Aline Friess, but to bounce back with a European medal is a great feeling.”

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