Lorelei – Trena Iristen Ari Da

Lorelei is a fairly short-lived group, which only played for 3 years, between 1997 and 1999, but which had an interesting influence on the musical world of the time.
In the 90s, the Basque Country vibrated a lot with the rhythms of rock, punk rock, ska and metal, and Lorelei stood out, with songs with texts and worked melodies.

Lorelei was born from the meeting between Asier Serrano, writer and poet, and Mikel Gorosabel “Norton”, who sang in EH Sukarra.
After several collaborations for poetry recitals set to music, they created Lorelei.

“Trena iristen ari da” was released on the group’s second album, “Tatuatu zenidan zerua”, in 1999, just before the group ceased its activities.
Lorelei reformed in early 2020 for a small series of concerts, which had allowed the group to find their fans.

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