Lorant Deutsch dad of three children: he chose to give them very rare first names

It seems a long time ago when a teenager named Lorànt Deutsch tried to share a Yop with a girl… This October 27, 2022, the actor passionate about history is celebrating his 47th birthday and can boast of such a fine career. than the family he founded with the actress Marie-Julie Baup (43), his wife since 2009. For his offspring, the couple had chosen very particular first names and loaded with symbols.

The author of Metronome is related to the actress of Champagne! of three charming children. Two girls were born on December 29, 2010 then May 10, 2012, while a little boy joined the siblings in 2014, born in May. Everyone has a name whose meaning is not random. For the fairer sex, they chose for the eldest Sissi, the famous Empress of the Austro-Hungarian Empire embodied in the cinema by Romy Schneider – enough to combine the two passions of the artists, 7th art and history. The youngest is called Colette, the name of the immense author of the budding wheat and second woman to be elected member of the Goncourt Academy.

The last of the siblings, now 8 and a half years old, is called Laslo, which is none other than the original name of the dad. Indeed, Lorànt Deutsch was born Laszlo Matekovics, of a Romanian mother and a father, Jean-Pierre Deutsch, born Matekovics, a Jew of Hungarian origin who fled the 1956 repression. spelling of this sweet Slavic name, it does honor to the history of the artist!

A passionate but controversial scholar

Since the start of the school year, Lorànt Deutsch has hosted a program on RTL to share his passion with listeners with Step into history. Anxious to popularize a field that can be very complicated, he decided to tell the past by following the path of powerful personalities, such as Charlemagne, Churchill or Elizabeth II.

The scholarly enthusiast, however, is not unanimous, regularly criticized by historians who “accuse of distilling implicitly (and in particular in his best-selling book Metronome, released by Michel Lafon in 2009) his monarchist and traditionalist ideas“, writing Telerama. Attacks that do not undermine his exalted pleasure on the airwaves to reach as many people as possible about the events and people who have marked our history.

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