“looting of the country”, “staggering”, “lobbyist for multinational”, Emmanuel Macron at the heart of criticism from the opposition

The political class stirred by the Uber Files. The revelations of International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), of which the investigation unit of Radio France, on the “deal” between Emmanuel Macron and the company Uber which was then seeking to establish itself in France when he was Minister of the Economy, between 2014 and 2016, caused a sensation, to the point that some voices rise and shout at the “state scandal“.

>> Uber Files: how Emmanuel Macron got involved when the VTC giant arrived in France

Revelations that fall just before the vote of the motion of censure of the left in the National Assembly, Monday, July 11. Thus, before speaking in the hemicycle, the exchanges began on Twitter. Mathilde Panot, leader of the LFI deputies, denounces “the looting of the country” by Emmanuel Macron, calling him “as a lobbyist for a US multinational”.

There is a collusion of interests, there is a response to lobbies, there is a Minister of the Economy who, against his government, participates in setting up job insecurity. It’s serious what happened

Sandrine Rousseau, EELV MP


The left intends to drive the point home well: deputies intend to seize the revelations during the vote of the motion of censure which must begin at 4 p.m. “We took a slope which is extremely dangerous, so we have to get out of it”explains the communist Pierre Dharréville. “The President of the Republic works for the powerful, for those who hold the handle from an economic and financial point of view.”

The deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône is now calling for a commission of inquiry into the “Uber Files”, like other left-wing personalities, in particular Fabien Roussel, Sandrine Rousseau and Alexis Corbière. This is also the case of the rebellious MP Danièle Obono: “Having supported interventions to favor a private company is not just a moral question, it is also a legal question”she complains.

At the National Rally, which still does not intend to vote for the mention of censorship of the Nupes, the deputies do not plan to be at the initiative of a commission of inquiry. On the other hand, they could associate themselves with it. “All of this is amazing, we are on another planet. Indeed, there must be an investigation and there must be follow-up to this investigation”underlines the RN deputy for Oise Philippe Ballard on franceinfo. “We will practice a firm and constructive opposition. Faced with a scandal like this, I believe that we will show firmness”specifies the elected official.

>> Uber Files: the rebellious Alexis Corbière is considering a parliamentary commission of inquiry

On the union side, the secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, demanded, this Monday on franceinfo, explanations from the President of the Republic. The minimum is that he explains how he contributed to Uber setting up in France and how, thanks to the Macron law, he disjointed the labor code to promote this type of activity with consequences social on employees”asked the trade unionist.

Former Secretary of State and ex-PS deputy Thomas Thévenoud is convinced that Uber “continues its lobbying action with the French government”. The socialist had prepared, in 2014, a law to regulate the cohabitation between taxis and VTC. He denounces from the “Emmanuel Macron’s benevolence towards Uber”.

Faced with this surge of comments and accusations, the Élysée affirms that Emmanuel Macron was, as Minister of the Economy, brought to exchange with many companies engaged in the profound change of services. “which should be facilitated by untying certain locks”.

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