looking for potential botulism victims



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1 minute


In Bordeaux, great resources are being deployed to find potential victims of sardines which were poorly preserved and which killed a person.

It’s a race against the clock which began in Bordeaux (Gironde). L’objective is to find potential patients contaminated by botulinum toxin after eating sardines in a restaurant. Thursday, September 14, there is still concern among residents. “It’s a shame we continued to use it”testifies a resident.

25 people ate the wrong sardines

In total, between September 4 and 10, 25 customers allegedly consumed sardines preserved in nine jars. So far, 15 people have been identified. Most are foreigners, from all over the world, which complicates research. “It’s a very touristy restaurant, with a cliAnglo-Saxon entele in particular. We are in contact with our Canadian and American counterparts…” An alert was launcheed via the WHO to find potential victims.

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