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France has, from Saturday January 1 and for six months, the control of the agency of the European Union. She has already held this position 12 times.
French presidents have piloted the European Union 12 times, with a certain style. In 1959, for the first presidency less than 15 years after the Second World War, General de Gaulle laid the groundwork for what would become the Franco-German couple. He said then to see “maybe the glory of tomorrow’s civilization“. 15 years later, Europe must structure itself, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing therefore institutes regular summits between heads of state.
Often, France is expected at the turn. “There is a paradox and a contradiction often among our partners, who on the one hand speak of French arrogance, and when France does not propose an idea, rush to Paris to [demander] what’s happening“, analyzes lformer French Ambassador to Brussels (Belgium), Pierre Vimont.
The presidency also means being able to react to unforeseen events. Nicolas Sarkozy experienced this in 2008, during the last French term of office: the war in Georgia had broken out a few weeks after taking office. Presidencies are also an opportunity to impose a certain vision. In this sense, the 1995 speech by François Mitterand, declaring that “nationalism is war“, was remembered.