look back at their surprise love story!

Slightly less known than Sébastien Chabal and Frédéric Michalak, Fabien Galthié remains one of the most popular French rugby players. Since 2019, the 54-year-old athlete, who was born in Cahors, has been official coach of the French rugby team. Since September, all eyes have been on him, due to the Rugby World Cup. On the other hand, we note that the former rugby player very often appears in large-scale advertising campaigns as a muse.

And if on the professional side, everything is going well, on the private life side, all the lights are also green. Fabien Galthié was married to Coline Dalbos who gave him two children, Mathis (born in 2001) and Jane (born in 2004). In 2022, the couple separated after twenty years of marriage. Quickly, the sportsman has rebuilt his life with actress Helena Noguerra!

If the two celebrities do not deny being together, they refuse to discuss their love story publicly. “I don’t talk about it at all. It’s not me who’s talking about it. I don’t talk about it.” for example, declared the pretty 54-year-old brunette in May 2023, questioned on the subject by journalist Thibaut Gauthier. And added: “I don’t talk about it… I don’t want to. I want to keep that for myself.”

For her part, Helena Noguerra was married for eight years to singer Philippe Katerine then shared, from 2015, the life of Belgian filmmaker Fabrice du Welz. She is also the mother of a 32-year-old son named Tanel Derard, who is a musician and model and who is none other than Shy’m’s former companion.


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