look back at the political career of a left-wing figure


Video length: 2 min

Death of Jacques Delors: look back at the political career of a left-wing figure

Death of Jacques Delors: look back at the political career of a left-wing figure – (France 2)

Jacques Delors, former minister and president of the European Commission, died at the age of 98, this Wednesday, December 27. A look back at his political career.

Spectacular renunciation, and unique case under the 5th republic, Jacques Delors is the only politician who did not want to be president, even though all the polls give him the winner and France is calling for him. Already twice, he refused the post of Prime Minister proposed by François Mitterrand. The fear, each time, of not having sufficient room for maneuver to carry out one’s action. Never, even in his early days, did he chase power.

A man from a modest family

Being useful will be the only course of action for this practicing Catholic from a modest family. Self-taught, he began his career at the Banque de France, like his father. Trade unionism interests him more than politics: he is an activist at the CFTC. Elabeled on the left, he nevertheless became advisor to Prime Minister Jacques Chaban-Delmas, he would be the inspiration for his “new society” project. He joined the Socialist Party in 1974. The left wing did not accept him well.

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