Longueuil | White-collar workers on strike March 13 and 14

Longueuil’s white-collar workers will walk off the job for two days, March 13 and 14, unless there is an agreement between now and then with the City regarding the renewal of the collective agreement.

There are 1,200 members of a local section of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) affiliated with the FTQ. These include technicians, office workers, professionals, school crossing guards and swimming pool employees.

The white-collar union is demanding the same conditions as blue-collar workers, namely a 10% increase in the salary scale, as well as a four-day week.

The collective agreement expired on 1er January 2021. CUPE reports that no fewer than 75 bargaining sessions have taken place since May 2022.

These white-collar workers voted 92% in favor of a pressure tactics mandate that could go as far as a strike last November.

If the strike were indeed to be called, essential services would be planned, mainly for municipal emergencies and school crossing guards, CUPE said on Friday.

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