In a world where performance creeps into parenthood, more and more parents are choosing to slow down the crazy rush of everyday life to experience an “ordinary” spring break, devoid of travel, outings or special activities. On the menu ? Nothing. Or almost.
Mother of two children aged 10 and 13, Carrie Poirier is learning to “slack off” during spring break. She takes time off to spend time with her daughters, but she forces herself not to plan anything.
“I have already organized endless activities,” says this 41-year-old Blainville resident. I found myself having performance anxiety. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be the perfect mother! »

Béatrice, 13, and Lauralie, 10, with their mother, Carrie Poirier
By lightening the schedule and slowing down the pace, she says she is able to “live in the present moment, with less stress and more tranquility”.
The virtues of slow parenting
According to psychoeducator Mélanie Bilodeau, the pandemic has helped families clean up their schedules: many have reviewed their priorities and cut back on activities that did not suit them.
“I observe an increase in interest in slow parenting, she says. The pandemic has had this positive thing: it has allowed many parents to focus on the needs of their children and simplify their lives. This continues into spring break with relaxed activities, without a rushed morning, without homework and without a busy schedule. »
THE slow parenting is a parental model that advocates slowness and mindfulness with the aim of bringing more well-being, pleasure and time to the parent-child relationship.
What is she referring to when she talks about “relaxed” activities? “Drink hot chocolate with marshmallows, set up a tent in the living room, organize a movie night with lots of cushions and mattresses on the floor, prepare a small Mexican buffet,” she lists. It doesn’t have to be complicated. »
A relaxed schedule means the right to spontaneity. This is an aspect of spring break that Nada El-Jundi, 33, mother of three children aged 2, 8 and 12, appreciates: being able to choose, at the last minute, what the day will consist of.
It’s a luxury to spend time with my kids and take it day by day. I don’t entertain them, I don’t keep them busy. And no one complains!
Nada El Jundi
If her spring breaks in recent years are anything to go by, the week will be made up of watching movies with family, visits to the library and sliding in the park with friends.
Free play and screen time
Psychoeducator Sarah Hamel believes in free play, without rules or time limits, during which children can give free rein to their imagination. “It’s even better if it’s outside!” », she exclaims.
The watchword of Chantal Campagna, mother of a 10-year-old boy? Don’t rush your son anymore.
During spring break, I refrain from telling him “hurry up”. I see this as an opportunity to show him that we don’t always need to be busy, to be productive.
Chantal Campagna
Father of 7-year-old twins, Hugo Hernandez shares the same opinion: “We don’t do anything and we don’t go anywhere,” he says, laughing. Myself, I’m more slack that week, whether in the girls’ routine, in preparing meals, in cleaning, in screen time… Spring break is also my released. »
For psychologist Lory Zéphyr, spring break is not there for nothing: it arrives in the school calendar as a beneficial break for children. “We must remember that this week is meant to get out of the routine, to rest, take a breather, spend time with family and reconnect. »
No guilt
You still need to be able to take time off…
According to a survey carried out in 2020 by the Réseau pour un Québec Famille, approximately a third of parents are on leave during spring break, a third of them are absent for at least one day and the last third works. Guilt devours some parents, caught up in professional obligations while grandparents, neighbors, a babysitter or daycare service watch over their offspring.
“Parents must relieve themselves of guilt, everyone is doing their best,” insists Mélanie Bilodeau. We must not forget that regardless, the children will be out of the school environment and routine. Everyone has their own break! »