long announced, soon a “food voucher” if Emmanuel Macron is re-elected?

If Emmanuel Macron is elected, the “food voucher” will be put in place very quickly. This is what Julien Denormandie, the Minister of Agriculture, said on Sunday.

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Julien Denormandie, support of the candidate Macron promises that finally this “food check” will see the light of day. Because in fact, the president has been talking about it for a long time. Emmanuel Macron had even promised this food check during the Citizens’ Convention two years ago, and its principle was voted in the Climate and Resilience Law of July 2021.

The idea of ​​this check is to give a financial boost to low-income families, students, retirees who are struggling to feed themselves at a time when food prices are soaring. And it also means allowing them to have access to local products, French productions, short circuits, and therefore to have better quality food.

This check does not exist yet because, obviously, it is not so simple to set up. Until then Bercy has always held back with four irons. And suddenly, the terms of this check are slow to be specified. Who will be entitled to it? Julien Denormandie ensures that eight million French people find it difficult to have access to local productions. But who, precisely, and on what income criteria? How will it be distributed too? Bercy recommends going through the municipal social action centers (CCAS) to pay it.

We don’t yet know which products will actually be affected. It is not easy to determine the foods or families of foods selected. Finally, what will be the amount of this check? So far, no indication has been given. Emmanuel Macron will have to move forward and maybe he will give some indications on Wednesday April 20 during the debate between the two rounds. Because this check is presented as a support measure for the purchasing power of the most modest households for those who bear the full brunt of the rise in the price of basic necessities. Opposite, Marine Le Pen, she offers zero VAT on a basket of basic products.

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