London to supply rocket launchers to Ukraine

The United Kingdom will provide Ukraine with rocket launchers with a range of 80 kilometers to counter the Russian offensive, the Ministry of Defense announced on Monday, taking over from Washington.

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These multiple rocket launcher systems (M270 MLRS) will “significantly increase the capabilities of the Ukrainian forces,” the ministry said in a statement.

This decision was taken in “close coordination” with the United States, which announced last week the supply of Himars systems with a range of 80 kilometers, that is to say multiple rocket launchers mounted on light armour.

The Ukrainians had for some time been calling for multiple rocket launchers that would allow them to hit Russian positions in depth while placing their batteries further from the front.

Anxious to avoid the United States being considered a co-belligerent, however, US President Joe Biden has ruled out delivering long-range rocket launcher systems to Ukraine that could reach Russia, despite repeated requests from Kyiv for obtain such weapons.

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Sunday that Moscow would strike new targets if the West supplied long-range missiles, judging that the current arms deliveries were aimed at “prolonging the conflict”.

“If the international community maintains its support, Ukraine can win,” said British Defense Minister Ben Wallace.

“Russia’s strategy is changing, and our support must change as well,” he added, stressing that these new weapons would allow the Ukrainians “to better protect themselves against the brutal use of long-range artillery, which the Putin’s forces have used indiscriminately to raze cities”.

UK military support to Ukraine so far amounts to more than £750m (€874m).

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