London: Prime Minister of Canada celebrates the coronation of King Charles III

Accompanied by a Canadian delegation, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attended the coronation of King Charles III in London on Saturday while celebrations were held in Ottawa.

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“Today we celebrate the reign of His Majesty King Charles III and reiterate Canada’s unwavering commitment to the Commonwealth,” Justin Trudeau said in a statement.

The latter arrived in the United Kingdom with his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau on Friday evening to attend the event as well as the celebrations.

London: Prime Minister of Canada celebrates the coronation of King Charles III

“On this momentous occasion, let us remember the values ​​we share of inclusion, diversity and respect for human rights, as we continue to build together a better future for all members of the Commonwealth” , added the Prime Minister.

The Governor General of Canada, Mary Simon, and a delegation of Indigenous leaders, young Canadians and other prominent Canadians also took part in the festivities in London.

London: Prime Minister of Canada celebrates the coronation of King Charles III

“Seventy years have passed since the last coronation, which affords us an opportunity to reflect on the changes that have since taken place, in our country, in the Commonwealth and throughout the world. […] And while the Crown has also evolved over this period, it remains a pillar of our robust and stable democracy and our diverse country,” said Ms. Simon.

Celebrations all the way to Ottawa

To mark the coronation of Britain’s new monarch, the Canadian government will unveil the new Royal Crown, the new Royal Flag and a Canadian stamp and collectible coins designed especially for the event on Saturday.

London: Prime Minister of Canada celebrates the coronation of King Charles III

It should also be noted that the Bank of Canada confirmed on Saturday that the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II will now be replaced by that of her son, King Charles III.

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