Lolita Séchan on a small cloud, the singer’s daughter FINALLY presents the chosen one of her heart!

While many celebrities have opted for Saint-Tropez for their summer holidays, others, on the contrary, have preferred to get as far away from France as possible. Lolita Séchan, daughter of singer Renaud, has chosen to pack up and go to Japan. A country that she seems to have adored since on August 10, she declared, on Instagram, ” Let me live here and send my daughter to me by parcel post “. Blown away by this clash of cultures, she also shared a series of photos from her trip to Tokyo while adding a tender message. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end and the writer is now back in France. ” There it’s finished “, she launched on the networks before adding that it was about “ best trip ever [s] for life. »

This country, this nature, their rich culture, but above all these encounters: This crazy dinner with Katsuhiro Otomo and Madame Fujita, with Taiyo Matsumoto, with Atsushi Kaneko, these mangakas that I have always admired. And these French friends who speak Japanese so well and allowed us to communicate in addition to accompanying us in our wanderings in search of toys and our trips to the combini at 1am… “A dream trip.

“The Boy I Love”

It is also in the company of her new boyfriend that Héloïse’s mother flew to the land of the rising sun. Separated from Renan Luce since 2016, Lolita Séchan has finally found a shoe that fits her. In love, the latter did not want to reveal the identity of her darling. But while she was sharing a few moments from her vacation on the networks, the pretty brunette displayed the face of the lucky winner while declaring her love to him. ” Going through all this without the boy I love would be nothing “, she said. Too cute !


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