Lola Marois, her face retouched by cosmetic surgery? Revelations!

Like everyone else, Lola Marois was stunned by the announcement of the upcoming stoppage of More beautiful life. Since 2017, she embodied the character of Ariane and had taken a liking to meeting with her play partners on a daily basis. “It’s a shock to think that you’re not going to see your friends anymore. This show isn’t even work, it’s family“, she confided during an interview for Audiencepublished this Friday, July 8, 2022.

Despite her great sadness, the wife of Jean-Marie Bigard does not fear for her professional future, being ready to “endanger and renew“. Lola Marois explains that she also has other passions to devote herself to, such as music for example or even writing. Exciting projects that allow her to crunch life to the full and have no regrets. This is why, as she approaches her 40th birthday, which she will celebrate next November, Lola Marois is “not at all” afraid of taking this step.”I’m happier than at 25“, she assured. And to analyze herself: “I love myself more and more, especially thanks to Jean-Marie, who looks at me with the admiration I missed as a child. I think I transfer the little recognition from my father.”

Very happy in her head, Lola Marois is also happy with her physique. So she doesn’t have never had cosmetic surgery. The pretty blonde, mother of two children (twins Bella and Jules, 9 years old), however, admits having been tempted by certain trends to erase complexes. “I just had some Botox injections on my frown lines a few years ago because I often get angry! And, recently, permanent makeup on the lips. For the rest, I am 100% natural!“, she revealed.

Already in 2017, Lola Marois made it clear that she was a follower of this kind of practice. At the time, she indeed extolled the merits of Clinique Lutétia, a brand that says “specialist in alternative and non-invasive medicine” and which offers peels, laser hair removal, but also Botox injections and LED phototherapy. “Beauty professionals pamper you with the very latest techniques of aesthetic medicine, peeling. Take care of yourself !“, she wrote via an Instagram post.

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