Lockout in Major League Baseball | Discussions are expected to resume on Tuesday

(New York) MLB lockout negotiations are set to resume Tuesday, just over two weeks before training camps are scheduled to begin.

Posted yesterday at 8:37 p.m.

Ronald Blum
Associated Press

Baseball’s ninth work stoppage began Dec. 2 when the five-year collective agreement expired.

The two sides did not discuss central economic issues until January 24, when the players withdrew their offer which called for expanded free range access.

The leaders responded the next day by withdrawing their offer, which was aimed at more restrictive salary arbitration.

The clubs accepted the conditions demanded by the players’ union concerning greater remuneration before access to autonomy.

The two camps do not agree on several economic issues. This leaves little time to find an arrangement before February 16, the scheduled start date of the training camps.

Players need several days to arrive at team complexes in Arizona or Florida in addition to having to comply with protocols related to COVID-19.

Considering the minimum of three weeks of training required, the inaugural matches, scheduled for March 31, are in jeopardy if there is no agreement by the end of February or the beginning of March.

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