Lockdown at Collège Lionel-Groulx | The suspect is still wanted by the police

The Régie intermunicipale de police Thérèse-De Blainville (RIPTB) is still looking for the possibly armed suspect who was prowling Friday evening near the Collège Lionel-Groulx in Sainte-Thérèse.

RIPTB investigators are still looking for the “suspicious-looking” man who forced the confinement of students and staff on Friday at Lionel-Groulx College for nearly four hours.

Officers still cannot confirm the individual was armed, but say the suspect never entered the facility.

“We validate information and we meet witnesses who could allow us to identify the individual we see on the video images circulating on social networks”, explains Sergeant Karine Desaulniers.

The RIPTB is now asking for help from the population to identify the suspicious person. All relevant information can be communicated confidentially to 450 435-2421.

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