These six organizations regret the lack of “transparency” and information on the products spread.
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“We, local residents, living in the countryside, want each farmer to be able to live with dignity from their work while guaranteeing the protection of biodiversity and the health of all.” Six associations of residents of agro-industrial farms deplore being the “collateral victims” of the pause announced by the government of the Ecophyto plan, in an article sent to AFP on Tuesday February 6.
“That we no longer run the risk, when we go out into our gardens, when we drink our water or when our children go to school, of chronic contamination by pesticides”write Pesticide Alert Haute Gironde, Future health environment, the Collective in support of victims of pesticides in the West, Riverains ensemble Durance, Stop our children’s cancers and Vallais nature environment.
“Our children are the most vulnerable”
These associations regret the lack of “transparency” and information on the products spread. “Before a spreading, we are not warned. If we are absent, we do not know that the laundry, the children’s games, the fruits and vegetables that we grow are affected. The poison control center advises us to clean everything: fruits and vegetables, garden tables and chairs, toys…”adds the collective. “Our children are the most vulnerable, and many are affected by pediatric cancers”he emphasizes.
The Minister of Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu, assured Sunday that this was not a “backtrack” but with a simple “break”, and reiterated the objective of reducing the use of pesticides by 50% by 2030.