local residents are mobilizing to limit nuisances in their daily lives and the impacts on their health



Video length: 2 min

Airports: local residents are experiencing a real nightmare

Airport residents can’t take it anymore and are making it known by expressing their dissatisfaction. Friday March 15, they were received by an advisor to the Minister of Transport.

(France 2)

They were received on Friday by an advisor to the Minister of Transport.

In Montmorency (Val-d’Oise), Ghislain Gagny and his wife do not eat in their garden, Friday March 15. The noise of the planes, ever more numerous, has become unbearable for them. They live 20 km from Roissy airport (Val-d’Oise). At night, the traffic calms down a little, but never stops because of freight, which is constantly increasing at Roissy. In 2023, air traffic has almost reached its pre-covid level. Furthermore, the projections are flourishing for the coming years. Enough to seriously alert all those living near French airports.

For a week, local residents have been demonstrating throughout the region. They were received on Friday by an advisor to the Minister of Transport Patrice Vergriete. No satisfactory response has been given to them, say local residents. They are supported by local elected officials and environmental defenders. All are calling for limitations on the number of flights and a ban on night flights, as well as the reduction of fine particles and greenhouse gases.

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