Local products for your summer with La Lumineuse cannery in Oléron

The luminous Conserverie de l’île d’Oléron is a family affair in the port of La Côtinière. In 1919, Louise Moreau married Louis Rabeau. She is 20 years old. They settled in La Côtinière. It is she who will write the first pages of the family saga.
In 2011, Delphine and Olivier created a cannery that oversees the brands La Lumineuse and Les Délices d’Oléron. For the various products, they favor local fishing as much as possible. Manufactured on site, the products are made without additives, colorings or preservatives.
The La Lumineuse cannery offers you its range of fish rillettes, soups, mousses produced in its workshop in the port of La Cotinière sur Oléron.

With us, everything is produced in the port, as close as possible to the sea.
The “small” port of La Cotinière, under its peaceful air, is the 6th French fishing port.
The line is clear to guarantee the quality of the products: as few intermediaries as possible and the desire to bring the territory to life.
In general, local resources are preferred. Thus the tartinettes and croutons, to be tasted ideally with our preserves, are made in Oléron.

Addresses: – Quai René Delouteau, La Cotinière in Saint Pierre d’oléron
– 7 Rue des Gentilshommes in La Rochelle

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