Loana tackled dryly by Steevy Boulay!

Loana is part of the list of celebrities who offer personal autographs for a fee.

“My darlings just to remind you that if you want to make a personalized dedication from me to whoever you want or even to yourself for any occasion or just to please…”, said the first winner of the Loft. The platform offers this service at 60 euros!

Asked by the Boy Magazineone of his former comrades, Steevy Boulay was questioned about it and issued strong criticism.

“We live in funny times… The last thing that captivated me was the proliferation of signing platforms. They harass me to charge people to whom I send video messages. C It’s incredible! My poor ex-sister Loana asking 90 euros for a message, that’s beyond me… If someone comes to talk to me on Instagram, I answer, I’m not going to ask for 20 balls“, he swung.

Questioned by, the main interested party had reacted to the controversy by saying that she “didn’t understand”. “If they don’t like it, they have to look elsewhere! (laughs) I don’t criticize their job myself”she said. “Some people make investments and they don’t tell them anything! With a string in their ass, they present a suntan oil and they say: ‘wow, it’s great!’ And me, I do that and we say: ‘It’s horrible!’ After a while, let us do our job and do yours.”

See also: “I’m on all fours”, “He may be going to rape me”: completely drunk, Loana forgets that she is live on Instagram and slips!


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