Loana smiling on Instagram: a detail of her photo calls out

Each of Loana Petrucciani’s appearances makes a lot of talk on social networks. The last photo posted by the winner of season 1 of Loft Story (2001), Thursday, November 25, 2021, was no exception.

Trouble finally seems to be behind Loana. After another descent into hell, the 44-year-old blonde seems to be getting better. Thanks to her best friend Eryl Prayer, she succeeded in raising the penste. It is besides by his side that she resumed one of her passions: the song. She has indeed made her return to the stage with a show which notably includes her hits released in the early 2000s, including Like I love you, as well as the performances of Eryl Prayer on the songs of his idol Elvis Presley. On December 5, the duo will perform in Spain to the delight of their fans.

In the meantime, the ex-lofteuse continues to give her news by posting some photos. And one detail jumps out at his latest publication. Loana unveiled a selfie in which we see her smiling, in the dark, with small eyes. And, oh surprise, she no longer has his teeth of happiness which have caused so much talk since last October. It displays teeth that are well aligned (and very white!). She obviously did not comment on the subject. “Sleep, good night the loulous“, can we simply read in the caption of the post.

Although many subscribers took the opportunity to once again support it, the critics have unfortunately again rocketed. Some did not understand why she was always taking a picture of herself in the dark, just before sleeping. Others advised her to step aside, as she had nothing more of interest to share with her audience. This should not, however, prevent Loana from continuing to post a few photos on her Instagram account from time to time.

It was at the end of October that Loana appeared for the first time with her teeth apart. A new smile that had not escaped the people who follow her.

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