Loana, nothing is going right… the star soon to be on the street?

While she regularly arouses the concern of her fans, Loana is not about to stop growing gray hair in her loved ones… And for good reason, the one who had confided to your magazine Public experiencing a complicated period in November 2022 does not seem to have recovered its financial health since!

“As an artist, it’s difficult”she told us at the time. “There are not many concerts, entertainment shows! Today, I am at the RSA. I do some signings on the Vidoleo site, but this monthly income is not huge”, had continued the forties in all transparency.

A friend is ringing the alarm bell

An income of €598.54 (the amount of the RSA for a single person, editor’s note) which no longer allows the former reality TV star to live decently… The proof, in the next issue of the magazine Public, one of her relatives, Laurent Amar, told us that the blonde revealed in “Loft Story” more than 20 years ago was about to find herself in dirty trouble by the end of March 2023!

Worried for her friend, this source has indeed told us the reason why a sword of Damocles was today suspended above Loana’s head because of her financial problems.

A complicated setback that she will have to face as soon as possible to avoid a disastrous situation… And to find out all the details, go to newsstands Friday March 10, 2023 since it is in the next issue of your magazine Public that all the details concerning this case will be revealed to you!

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