Loana in financial trouble, she says she is ready to “become a dancer on the catwalk again”

“Bipolar with schizophrenic tendencies”. The diagnosis is heavy but Loana assumed it and mentioned it during her stay in the Morning Without Filter on Virgin Radio this Monday, November 14. Indeed, the former candidate of loft story had to deal with many rumors about his health condition. In fact, she made the choice to speak up and reveal what was really going on. She admits to being sick but qualifies however when she assures that he would have been asked “a long time ago”.

A diagnosis she did not accept: “I made a denial, I didn’t take my medicine, I realize now that it is very useful. So I am really sick and I am considered disabled”. A state of health that handicaps her on a daily basis but especially to find work as she later revealed to Guillaume Genton. Indeed, according to Loana, this diagnosis would prevent her from getting a job.

Loana forced to dance again?

“I’m bipolar and from then on I can’t do a fixed job.” This therefore forces him to find other jobs that can accept him and this does not exclude a return to the podiums. “I’m not against becoming a dancer on the podium again”she confessed live on the radio before offering other ideas when the host submitted “a job as a cashier or a baker, a normal job”. “Why not? It would be an experience”admitted Loana.

As a reminder, as we revealed in our columns, the former candidate of loft story would currently receive the RSA and would be in a complicated financial situation. His illness would “allow” him to receive compensation of €400. A situation that the ex-bimbo has trouble digesting. “As an artist, it’s difficult! There aren’t many concerts and entertainment shows anymore!”And to continue: “I do some signings on the Vidoleo site, but this monthly income is not huge. It’s not easy every day”she admitted in our columns.

To see also: Loana arrives in Cannes slimmed down and not alongside anyone!


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