Loana, her failed makeover: an expert tackles her on video after “crazy rumors”

Last December, Loana took part in Incredible Transformations. The ex-reality star revealed during the first season of loft story in 2001 passed into the hands of the experts of the M6 ​​makeover show. And the least we can say is that the result was well below his expectations…”It’s good shitshe told here is. I saw my mouth but I didn’t recognize the rest. There was no Loana at all. My mother told me that I was 15 years old and 15 kilos heavier. Even she didn’t recognize me.“Worse still, she had assured that this was her”worst nightmare” televised! Tuesday, March 8, 2022, Nicholas Waldorffamous hairdresser ofIncredible Transformationsresponds with humor to these criticisms.

On Instagram, he shares a parody video. Above, excerpts from an interview where Loana speaks are edited with answers from a certain Nadine, an imaginary character played by Nicolas Waldorf himself with a wig on his head, glasses on his nose and jewelry galore. The conversation is then epic! When the tall 43-year-old blonde evokes “worst show ever [sa] life“, Nadine replies: “What are you talking about ? From loftfrom Angels ?” From there, follow unexplained giggles but hilarious. “Suddenly, these crazy rumors, the press that goes wild about Nicolas and youit’s wrong !“, then continues the famous Nadine. “It’s not true, it brought me a lot“, answers Loana. This is where Nicolas Waldorf appears, as if by magic.”Alright then, everything is fine between us.“, he concludes.

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