Loana at the RSA and soon expelled from her home: her big financial difficulties after the success…

Already more than twenty years that Loana knew the glory. In 2001, she won the very first season of loft story. Projected on the front of the stage, she sometimes had trouble managing this sudden notoriety. Suicide attempts, addiction to alcohol and other substances, stays in a psychiatric hospital… The tall 45-year-old blonde has experienced a real descent into hell. And she who has amassed a hell of a lot of money during all these years now finds herself in financial difficulty!

It was during an interview with our colleagues from the magazine Audience, currently on newsstands, that Loana delivers on the subject. “As an artist, it’s difficult! There aren’t many concerts and entertainment shows anymore!“, she says. And to mention her low income: “Today, I am at the RSA. I do some dedications on the Vidoleo site, but this monthly income is not huge.” A situation “not easy every day” for her. Remember for information that the Active Solidarity Income (RSA) is paid to each citizen over the age of 25 who meets certain criteria and amounts to 897.82 euros per month.

People said I was living in a dump!

A meager salary to support Loana, who settled in Vence, in the south of France, with her mother. This is why she is not against a possible return to the capital, necessarily accompanied by a new project. “If someone offers me something, I come back to Paris“, indicates the ex-candidate of reality tv. In the meantime, she devotes herself to her dear mother, also in difficulty. “She only earns 90 euros a week and we will have to leave home after the winter break. I have to place it: I found a seniors’ home for in a few months“, declares the star.

Sad revelations for the duo who will soon end up separated. Recall that Loana had recently shared a video where she was feeding wild boars in the garden of the family home. And many Internet users had noticed the deplorable state of the place, filled with rubbish. “It has to stop ! (…) People said that I lived in a dump! It was the wild boars who opened the trash cans and left the garden like this“, she assures now. What to silence the gossips …

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