Loana and her completely “messed up” makeover: an expert gives his version of the fiasco

When he found out he was going to get a chance to makeover Loana on the show Incredible transformations, Nicolas Waldorf was impatient to finally meet the star, the one he had been following for almost twenty years on television. Fan of the former winner of Loft Story, the hairdresser wanted to give her real princess hair. Unfortunately, their meeting is far from having been what he hoped for…

Very angry and disappointed with her transformation, the former reality TV candidate also confided in an interview for Here that her makeover had been a “nightmare“.”I see it I kill it!“, she even explained, furious with the hairdresser. On Instagram, Charla Carter’s sidekick wanted to explain: “I don’t know how to interpret it (…) This is a very delicate matter because Loana is an icon and above all we wanted to do the maximum so that she manages to see herself as something other than blonde with extensions and a tight jumpsuit. We did our bestwe all worked hand in hand because it was particularly important, at least for me“.

We did our best, she liked it at first, then she didn’t like it anymore, then she liked it and then she didn’t like it anymore. In any case, his relative was very touched because everyone cried a little (…) In the end, I think that we cannot convince everyone. Loana if you hear me, i like you, don’t kill me“adds the hairdresser, shocked by Loana’s statements.

As a reminder, Loana did not go out of her way to qualify the work that the show team had done. Incredible Transformations and more particularly that of the hairdresser who had carried out a real capillary carnage according to her. “It’s a lot of sh*t, she confided in Here It’s been my worst nightmare, it’s the worst TV I’ve done. They screwed up everything from start to finish, styling, hair and makeup. Nothing was right!

Also asked about his potential departure from the show Incredible Transformationshe refutes all the rumors and confides: “I’m staying ! That’s the word out!” With humor, he adds: “I hope I’m not fired, I signed my contract for season 6 not long ago so I think I’ll be fine.” Let’s hope that this disagreement with Loana does not destroy Nicolas Waldorf’s career on M6!

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