Loana “a little fragile”: tears, anxieties and suffering … she explains her long absence on video

Loana Petrucciani (44 years old) brings a real emotional lift to her loved ones and those who have followed her in recent years. Notably because of many bad encounters, the one that was revealed in 2001 in loft story (M6) has experienced several descents into hell. Alcohol, drugs, hospitalizations, suicide attempts… she has known dark times. But like a Phoenix, it always rises from its ashes. Faced with the new concern of her community regarding her absence from social networks in recent weeks, Eryl Prayer’s great friend spoke again this Friday, April 15, 2022, in an Instagram story.

It is smiling and looking good that Loana reappeared to give her news. “From now on, you will find me more often. Because I was a little fragile and I suffered a lot from the bad comments on my social networks, which are becoming more and more virulent. But now, I also have to think of those who have supported me for years and who, without knowing it, saved me in many moments. So I’m going to ignore the cons and I embrace those who support me. I promise to be much more present. Thank you again for following me and being there for me“, she confided to her community.

Loana then announced some big news. Its public will be happy to find it Saturday, April 16 in TPMP People, on C8. We imagine that she will return to her great absence from social networks and the bad comments she received.

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