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Tuesday, May 10, journalist Sandrine Feydel, present on the set of 19/20, is interested in the rise in mortgage rates.
Mortgage rates are on the rise again. “These rates, they reached, on average, 1.27% [en avril 2022]whereas they were rather around 1.06%, 1.07% for a year”, explains journalist Sandrine Feydel, present on the set of 19/20Tuesday, May 10, which adds that this increase could continue. “The interest rate is 1.12% for a loan over 15 years, 1.25% over 20 years and 1.37% over 25 years”, adds the journalist.
It is increasingly difficult to become a homeowner, “because the conditions for accessing the loan have also tightened. For example, banks can no longer offer loans that exceed 35% of personal income. They therefore often require larger personal contributions”, explains Sandrine Feydel. With inflation, the ability of households to repay is scrutinized. “You don’t have to panic though. These interest rates, even on the rise, are still well below inflation. concludes the journalist.