Load shedding at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval

The CHU de Québec will postpone thousands of appointments and will close operating rooms as of Wednesday in order to treat COVID patients who are more and more numerous in hospitals in the region.

• Read also: COVID-19: thousands more cases in circulation

This reduction is necessary because nearly 800 members of staff are in isolation or sick.

No positive employee has returned to work since Health Minister Christian Dubé indicated that this could be necessary to avoid more load shedding.

“We must now understand that the elastic is extremely stretched and we see the white in the middle,” said Martin Beaumont, president and CEO of the establishment.


From January 5, activities in operating theaters will be reduced to 56%. Thus, approximately 300 surgeries will be postponed each week.

This strategy will free up 60 nurses to focus on the hot areas of COVID.

Also, nearly 10,000 non-urgent face-to-face appointments will be postponed or made remotely. This will free up about 50 speakers.

“The current situation with regard to our workforce is extremely colossal. The challenge is great and our staff is currently dedicated, ”stressed Mr. Beaumont.

He reminds Quebeckers to remain patient and understanding about the situation.


The situation is also difficult in Chaudière-Appalaches.

The CISSS had a total of 71 COVID hospitalizations, nine more than the day before. Including 14 patients in intensive care, so an increase of two since Saturday.

And the number of employees in isolation or tested positive stood at nearly 800 yesterday. A few asymptomatic workers were able to return to work.

The situation is worsening in Quebec hospitals

  • 62 hospitalized patients infected
  • 10 COVID patients in intensive care – including 4 in pediatrics
  • 13 positive patients in emergency waiting for a location

The load shedding begins on Wednesday

  • 300 postponed surgeries per week
  • 10,000 postponed or telemedicine appointments


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