Living with a loved one with mental illness

In France, more than 3 million people live with severe mental disorders. When we have to accompany these people, whether they are spouses, parents, children or even friends, daily life is not always easy.

Accompany a person with psychic troubles can affect the life of a loved one and their own quality of life. Relatives can in particular find themselves in the role of caregiver, even though they are not necessarily specialists.

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day,That’s life” is interested in the daily life of 4.5 million people in France who accompany people affected by these disorders every day: the organization of care, guilt, the gaze of others, etc.

Guest of Géraldine Mayr, Laurene recounts the journey of his brother, suffering from schizophrenia since he was 18 years old. She explains the evolution of the disease, the first signs, the stage of diagnosis, the gaze of others which was very hard, the support for several years, but also the death of the latter, last year. He was 45 years old.

In this program, also find the testimonies and expertise of Didier Meillerandfounding president of the Psychodon association, and Nathalie Lancialdirector of Clubhouse in Lille.

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