Living environments and hospitals | New measures will enter into force on Monday

(Montreal) Faced with the emergence of the Omicron variant, the Quebec government issued new rules on Friday for several living environments for the elderly and for hospitals.

Stephane Blais
The Canadian Press

These rules will come into effect on Monday.

The measures announced in a press release published on Friday evening concern residential and long-term care centers (CHSLDs), private seniors’ residences (RPA), intermediate resources (RI), certain family-type resources (RTF) and other settings welcoming various clienteles.

Thus, screening tests will be compulsory before a new admission to living and rehabilitation settings, “regardless of the origin of the user”.

A distance of two meters between residents or users must be respected and the wearing of a medical-grade intervention mask will be compulsory.

It will still be possible to hold activities in a common indoor space for residents or users, while respecting the new rules of physical distancing.

Specific measures for RPAs

A maximum of five people at a time per day will be allowed inside private seniors’ residences, “depending on the capacity of the rental unit”.

It will also be prohibited for relatives and visitors to access common areas, with the exception of relatives who help feed a resident.

A maximum of four residents per table will be authorized in the dining rooms and a distance of one meter must be respected between each table. The government press release specifies “that a grouping of the same residents at a specific table should be encouraged”. Residents will be able to remove the mask only “when eating or drinking”.

Measures specific to certain living environments

A single visitor or caregiver at a time, for a maximum number of four people per day, will be authorized to visit a person living in “CHSLDs, certain RI-RTFs and rehabilitation settings or which welcome the elderly or users with a physical or intellectual disability or an autism spectrum disorder or presenting mental disorders ”.

In these places too, visitors and relatives will be prohibited from accessing common areas, unless a family caregiver has to assist a resident with feeding.

Specific measures in hospitals

One caregiver at a time, for a maximum of two per day, will be authorized in hospitals and a maximum of four different caregivers can take turns.

However, should an outbreak occur in an area, the number of authorized persons will be reduced to two.

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