Liverpool-Real Madrid: Zidane with the family, Nadal and his wife, Carlos Alcaraz … rain of stars in the stands!

Eternal and unsinkable, Real Madrid maintained its European legend on Saturday by winning its fourteenth Champions League at the expense of Liverpool (1-0), dominating but defeated at the Stade de France, after a final disrupted by major problems. logistics. Even Cyril Hanouna paid the price. As always, the stands of the Stade de France were filled with celebrities. Zinédine Zidane was thus seen with his wife Véronique and his sons Luca and Théo, just like Rafael Nadal and his wife Xisca Perello, the King of Spain Felipe VI, Nabilla, really very pregnant and her husband Thomas Vergara or Eros Ramazzotti, Thomas Pesquet and his brother Baptiste, Nicolas Sarkozy, Owen Wilson, Camila Cabello and new tennis star Carlos Alcaraz.

5 out of 5 for Benzema

Karim Benzema, supported by his son and Cora in the final, suddenly won his fifth C1 out of five. He did not score, a goal having been disallowed for offside by the French referee Clément Turpin (43rd), but the top scorer of the C1 (15 goals) this season scored decisive points for the Ballon d’ Gold, beating his rivals Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mané. “In club I can not do better. We’ll see what happens, but I’m proud of what I achieved“, savored on Canal + the French center-forward, returned to a unit of the record of Francisco Gento (6 C1 won).

A mess never seen

The big mess of the match took place before the meeting. Kick-off had to be delayed by 36 minutes due to difficulties in accessing the stadium, an unprecedented hiccup in the recent history of C1 finals. The pre-match was marked by scenes of chaos, with long queues, spectators shouting their anger and others trying to climb the gates surrounding the Stade de France, prompting the intervention of security forces. the order and the use of tear gas. At 11:45 p.m., according to a first provisional report from the Ministry of the Interior, there were in Paris and Saint-Denis “53 arrests and 24 police custody”, with 115 supporters slightly injured. The post-match dispersal nevertheless went “without difficulty”. UEFA explained the mess”by thousands of spectators who bought fake tickets that did not work“, while Liverpool have asked for an investigation to be opened, reports theAFP.

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