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“The Defender of Rights has proven that when you are perceived as black and Arab, you are twenty times more likely to be controlled,” said LFI MP Mathilde Panot on Thursday on France 2.
“We want a Republican police.” LFI MP Mathilde Panot had a lively exchange with the spokesperson for the National Rally, Philippe Ballard, Thursday June 16, on France 2. “We have to stop with the BAC, we have to stop with a situation, and I say this very solemnly, where young men who are 10, 11, 14 years old, who live in working-class neighborhoods and who are constantly being checked by the police for facies checks, that is to say without any reason, and to whom we learn from an early age that they would not belong to the Republic”she said in particular.
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“You are scary and I think you are very dangerous because we don’t like France”reacted Philippe Ballard. “Apart from burkinis, apart from disarming the police, you want communitarianism to develop in France”, he launched, believing that this encouraged Islamism. He also claimed that the racial profiling was “a legend”.
However, in 2017, the Defender of Rights recalled that in France young men “perceived as black or Arab” have “20 times more likely than others to be checked” by law enforcement. Franceinfo also published an article, in 2020, relating how black and Arab families teach their children to live with this risk.