Live with France Bleu Béarn Bigorre “Ideas lead the world” from November 19 to 21 at the Palais Beaumont in Pau

France Bleu Béarn-Bigorre brings you the seventh edition of “Ideas lead the world” live at Eric Bentahar’s microphone in the afternoon of Friday November 19, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

“Rebuild, rebuild. What future in these uncertain times?”it is around this question that journalists, writers, doctors, historians and intellectuals from the University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour will develop for three days, next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. To name a few of the many guests present among the many distinguished guests:

Jean-Louis Georgelin, Army General, has been in charge of overseeing the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral since 2019

François Villeroy de Galhau, Senior civil servant and Governor of the Banque de France, is also the author of “The Hope of a European” (ed. Odile Jacob, 2014) or “Recover confidence in the economy” (ed. Odile Jacob, 2021) .

Rachel Khan: classical dancer and French athletics champion, jurist in international public law, actress, screenwriter and author. She has written several books: “Les Grandes et les Petites Choses”, (Éditions Anne Carrière, 2017) or “Racée” (Éditions de l’Observatoire, 2021) which received the Political Book Prize in 2021.

Souâd Ayada Agrégée and Doctor of Philosophy, President of the Higher Council of National Education Programs.

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Find all the videos and photos of this event on the France Bleu Béarn-Bigorre Facebook page and the France website.

On the occasion of this seventh edition of “Ideas lead the world“, come and visit us at the France Bleu Béarn-Bigorre space, Henri Faisans room, for the signing sessions of our collaborators and writers.

Days and times :

Friday, November 19:

5 p.m.> 9 p.m. = Daniel CORSAND (Believe me, I lied – Editions Gascogne)

Saturday, November 20:

13h> 14h30 = Renée MOURGUES (From Louison Bobet to Evo Morales – Editions Gascogne)

2:30 p.m.> 4 p.m. = Pierre SALLES (Les mots d’Oc – Editions Mon Hélios)

4 p.m.> 5:30 p.m. = Thierry NIOGRET (Ondes mortelles / Hors circuit / etc. – Editions Mon Hélios)

5:30 p.m.> 7 p.m. = Laurent VISSUZAINE (Germain de Lescar – L’Alter Emmaüs – Editions Gascogne)

Sunday November 21:

1 p.m.> 2:30 p.m. = Laurent VISSUZAINE (Germain de Lescar – L’Alter Emmaüs – Editions Gascogne)

2:30 p.m.> 4 p.m. = Thierry NIOGRET (Ondes mortelles / Hors circuit / etc. – Editions Mon Hélios)

4 p.m.> 5:30 p.m. = Pierre SALLES (Les mots d’Oc – Editions Mon Hélios

► How to attend literary meetings:

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