LIVE VIDEO – Pension reform: can you imagine working until you are 65? The Franceinfo Talk debate



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The government has announced the opening of a new round of consultation on pension reform this week. At the heart of this reform, the postponement of the legal retirement age encounters many oppositions. VS’is the subject of Talk franceinfo. Every evening from 6 p.m., Manon Mella and her guests debate with Internet users on the franceinfo Twitch channel.

The executive announced, Thursday, September 29, to open a new round of consultations around the pension reform project. The adoption process for this bill emblematic of Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term had been disrupted in 2020 because of the Covid-19 crisis. However, the reform project is far from being abandoned by the government of Elizabeth Borne.

Paul Barcelonne, political journalist for franceinfo and Eric Heyer, economist and director of the analysis and forecasting department of the OFCE are in the Talk to discuss it. Manon Mella also receives Régis Nicolas, spokesperson for the “Nos Retraites” collective.

The new round of consultations with the social partners around the pension reform, announced Thursday, September 29, will open Wednesday, October 5, according to statements by Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt. The government’s goal is to have the bill passed by the end of winter 2023.

Among the various key points of this reform, the postponement of the legal retirement age to 65 creates controversy. Especially since Emmanuel Macron has not always been in favor of this measure. In his 2017 program, the President, at the time a presidential candidate, posted in his program about the legal retirement age: “We will not touch it”.

Join us from 6 p.m. Monday to Friday on the franceinfo Twitch channel to participate in Manon Mella’s Talk. An hour of exchange, clarification, debate around topical and social issues.

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