LIVE. The Talk. More than fifty days without a Prime Minister and now the epilogue?


After more than fifty days without a Prime Minister, endless consultations at the Elysée Palace and impossible equations to solve, the guests of the franceinfo Talk answer the questions in the chat.

Fifty days without a Prime Minister, and soon the prospect of an epilogue? As a solution to the political crisis that the country is experiencing is emerging, the guests of the Talk from franceinfo on Twitch answer viewers’ questions live from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, September 4.

Around Ludovic Pauchant, to debate and put the sequence into perspective:

  • Emilie Zapalski, political communicator and founder of the Emilie Conseil agency
  • Veronique Reille-Soult, lecturer in crisis communication at Sciences Po, President of Backbone Consulting
  • Delphine Dulong, lecturer-researcher at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne at the European Center for Sociology and Political Science at the Sorbonne, author of “Prime Minister” (CNRS editions)
  • Cassandre, political streamer
  • Mathieu Souquiereconsultant, essayist and associated expert with the Jean Jaurès Foundation

Join us from 6pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays on franceinfo’s Twitch channel to participate in the franceinfo Talk. Two hours of discussions, insights, and debate around current affairs and society topics.

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